
Random memories

- I was born Nov 18, 1978 in Irvington, NJ.
- My father is from Shanghi and Hong Kong China and moved here when he was 21. Mom moved to NJ/NY when she was 4.
- I lived at 547 Andress Terr, Union NJ 07083 for about 21 years. My phone number was 687-5673...and back in the day, you didn't need to prefix the number with an area code. I miss that house :(
- My father used to mark how tall my sister and I were on the side of the kitchen pantry.
- I fit the Asian stereo type of being good at math and loving rice.
- I ran over my sister with a friend's bike because it did not have brakes...purely accidental.
- My grandparents disliked each other greatly, but did not believe in divorce. They event slept in separate bedrooms, but loved my sister and I very much.
- The first video game system I ever played was the colecovision

1 comment:

  1. 1. Technically, you were born in Livingston (St. Barnabas), but I think that Mom and Dad were still living in Irvington at the time of your birth.
    2. Ah, good old 547. My heart still skips a beat when I see that number.
    3. The pantry! I totally forgot about that until just now :(
    4. I brought up that memory of you running over me with that bike (was that Hugo's?) to Mom a few years ago and she convinced me it never happened. I thought that I was making that up! Now I know the truth. Let's talk about that next time. Was I sitting on a skateboard?
    5. I love it. Keep it up :)
