
Childhood memories: Gung Gung and Paw Paw

For as long as I can remember, my maternal grandparents were a big part of my life. My Gung Gung (Mom's Dad) is no longer on this planet, but was very kind to me. My Paw Paw is still around and always fussy but always concerned with my well being. GG will refer to my grandfather and PP will refer to my grandmother.

  • GG's American name was "Fred", but his chinese name was pronounced "Gee".
  • GG owned a Chinese Restaurant and also served in the military during WWII.
  • GG took me to Toys R' Us way to many times to spoil my sister and I.
  • Both used to walk me too and from school.
  • PP did everything for me...and I do mean everything. She used to peel my shrimp and grapes :-P
  • Until about 6th grade, my sister and I slept in the same room as PP.
  • PP is a devout Buddhist and devout Buddhists like incense.
  • PP saved me from getting mauled by a neighbor's dog down our street by using her umbrella. I think the dog was just trying to be friendly, but the only reason I remember the story is because she keeps saying it over and over.
  • One time my elementary school teacher asked me to bring PP up after school to tell her something. She asked me to translate and when PP came up...I just told her in English what my teacher told me (She didn't realize she understood english).
  • My GG brought me to 2 Mets games when I was little. I think for both I never made it past the 5th inning so he brought me home each time.
  • GG and I used to watch NBA Basketball and WWF wrestling together ALL THE TIME!

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