
Childhood memories: My Mom

  • I always remember Mom knitting all sorts of stuff for us. She still does to this day.
  • I remember Mom complaining about how we (my sister and I) had it good with my Grandfather. He would make us real spaghetti and sauce, but when she was a kid....the sauce was ketchup.
  • Mom is a better cook than she thinks.
  • Mom's favorite shows on TV where Murder She Wrote, Star Trek: TNG, and Jeopardy. If I remember correctly, she tried out for the show when we were in Atlantic City one time.
  • Mom worked at the VA medical center in East Orange for the longest time in Hematology (the blood work department). I remember some gruesome stories sometimes since it was a hospital.
  • Mom attended one of those Blue & Gold Boy Scout Dinners with me one time. I remember there was this guy who was kissing all the ladies at our table to say hi. When he went to give my Mom a kiss, I covered her mouth. Everyone thought it was histerical.
  • Mom's first car I remember her driving was a Nova...at least I'm pretty sure.


  1. Do you remeber the time at one of the Blue and Gold dinners when the waiter put the tray on the caddy, and the caddy collapsed and all the food wound up on the floor?

  2. i don't...hence why i write these things :)
