
Childhood memories: My Dad

  • It was tradition for Dad and I to goto the movies together...usually for something violent! I remember the old cinema in Union we went to initially see a James Bond movie...but he was kind enough to switch it over to see the remainder of Ghostbusters.
  • One of my most favorite days when I was a kid was Friday. Dad and Grandparents frequently traveled to my best friends house, Al and Dave Wu. We often played video games till the wee hours of the morning. I often not forget the nerf gun battles we had in the stair way at our houses.
  • As strict as Dad was when I was younger, he always let me know he loved me in his own way. He still does, to this day, has his desk covered by a glass panel with pictures from when I was a baby all the way up until present day. You could also think of it as black mail photos
  • Dad got me hooked on Bruce Lee movies. He was also my first martial arts instructor. I remember after he showed me some moves in the basement and then the next day in school I practiced them on the playground outside.
  • As far as I can remember, Dad used to drive a blue Datsun that was stick shift.
  • For as stoic as Dad can be sometimes, he's a really funny guy. When driving home through Chinatown, we were stopped in traffic. There was a rather large guy wearing a sign to advertise for a local shop ... picking his nose (not even being descrete). He rolls down the window and yells "HEY...STOP PICKING YOUR NOSE!!!".

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