
ABC Chinese

Believe it or not, I didn't speak a lick of English when I was a kid. When I started school, my Cantonese/Toisan was slowly phased out, but I do understand more than people realize.

Useful/Funny Cantonese
  • Dah Nay Guh Toe - Hit you in the HEAD!
  • Aye Yahhhhh - DOH!
  • Chee-saw hi been doe - Where's the Bathroom.
  • Um Goy - Thank you (for doing something)
  • Daw Tse - Thank you (for your gift)
  • Hung Bow - Red Envelope (for Chinese New year)
  • Gung Hay Fat Choy - I hope you make a lot of money
  • Fong Pay - Fart
  • Char Siu Bow - Roast Pork Bun
  • Bay See - Boogers
  • Yut, Yee, Sam, Say, Umm, Luk, Chut, Bach, Gaw, Sup - 1,2,3,...10
  • Heck La (Toisan) - Dinner Time
  • Fan See Fan Jeuw - Rice w/ Yams
  • Jook - Congee
Useful/Funny Mandarin
  • Nee Hao - How are you?
  • Hao-Boo-Hao - How are you?
  • eee, are, san, sul, woo, lieu, chee, bah, jyow, shur - 1,2,3,...10
  • Jah-Yow - Keep going! - (Direct translation = Pour/rub more oil)

1 comment:

  1. Hey. What's the gadget "who I follow" called whn you add it in your settings. I searched for it and can't find it. Thanks.
